Drew Koszulinski

Frontend Web Developer & Product Designer

Inspiring AND Helpful

During the time I spent working closely with Matt at Flatiron, I found myself producing some of the best work of my career. If you ask me, I'd tell you that Matt represents the gold standard of managers - not only can he execute to a high degree, but he understands effective collaboration better than anyone I've ever worked with, and he understands how to genuinely inspire his colleagues to find the best possible outcomes within the given constraints.

Matt Donovan takes a selfie in front of some colorful geometric shapes. He sports a black t-shirt with the word "Unity" scrawled in white.
Drew Koszulinski
has worked with me as a:
18 years in tech
  • 13 yrs Directing Design
  • 6 yrs Directing Product Design
  • 3 yrs Helping Teams follow Shape Up
  • 0 yrs Being a Jerk

Design teams don't need to be managed.

They need direction.

  • Replace daily check-ins with weekly demos
  • Clarify boundaries and nurture autonomy
  • Establish a delivery cadence and hold to it

Whether you need help leading a couple of designers, or you are trying to grow a whole product team, I'd love to pitch in.